The announcement took place at the company's Mumbai launch event for the Oppo F1 today. The provided teaser also mentions an improved selfie experience for the Plus model. The basic F1 is already marketed as a selfie expert phone and packs an 8MP f/2.0 front snapper with a 1/4" sensor, so the Plus could potentially upgrade the front camera even further, or at least, improve the software side.
Other than that, we can only assume that the F1 Plus will share the rest of the specs with its sibling, as well as most of the Oppo R7 line. This includes the octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 SoC, a 13MP main shooter with f/2.2 aperture, also LTE connectivity and Dual-SIM support. Design-wise, we expect little change as well, meaning that overall the F1 Plus could be somewhat of a mirror image of the R7s, just like the F1 is to the R7 in a lot of respects.
As already mentioned, the new device should go on sale in India this April for INR 26,990 or around $395, which is quite a big of a markup from the INR 15,990 (around $235) the F1 is going for.
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